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Canada's war on doorknobs


Knobless oblige


New building rules will help old folks—who now riskbeing eaten by bears


IT IS rare for changes to a municipal building code to become headline news. But Vancouver'sban on doorknobs in all new buildings, which went into effect last month, is an exception. Ithas provoked a strong reaction from the door-opening public and set off a chain reactionacross the country as other jurisdictions ponder whether to follow Vancouver's lead. Thecountry is on tenterhooks.


The war on doorknobs is part of a broader campaign to make buildings more accessible to theelderly and disabled, many of whom find levered doorhandles easier to operate than fiddlyknobs. Vancouver's code adds private homes to rules already in place in most of Canada forlarge buildings, stipulating wider entry doors, lower thresholds and lever-operated taps inbathrooms and kitchens.


1.instead of 而不是

例句:But instead of ending in agreement, the talksbroke up in acrimony at the end of the week.


2.ask for 要求

例句:Student leaders appeared on television to ask for calm.


3.in comparison to 與…相比

例句:In most cases, the refactoring efforts pale in comparison to the risks and costsassociated with bad data.


4.point out 指出

例句:However, social experts point out that many migrant workers often find it hard to adaptto urban life.


The rules have provoked grumbling about the nanny state, much of it from doorknobmanufacturers. The Canadian Home Builders' Association (CHBA) complains that Vancouver, theonly city in Canada with the power to determine its own building code (elsewhere it falls toprovincial governments), changed the rules on its own, instead of asking for a revision of thenational regulations, which would have triggered more detailed cost studies.

隨規(guī)章而至的是人們對(duì)于保姆政府的抱怨,而旋鈕制造商方面怨聲尤重。加拿大住宅建筑商協(xié)會(huì)( CHBA )埋怨說,溫哥華是加拿大唯一座有建筑物條例決定權(quán)的城市,現(xiàn)在它不去改國家規(guī)章,而是自改條例,這就需要再研究一番具體成本。

These complaints pale in comparison to a more sinister worry. True, elderly and disabledpeople find it easier to operate doors with handles. But so do bears. In British Columbia, bearshave been known to scavenge for food inside cars—whose doors have handles, knob advocatespoint out. Pitkin County, Colorado, in the United States, has banned door levers on buildingsfor this very reason. One newspaper columnist in the pro-knob camp has noted that thevelociraptors in “Jurassic Park” were able to open doors by their handles.


Canadians are undeterred. Members of the municipal council in Halifax are considering askingtheir provincial government to follow Vancouver's example. So too are councillors in Pickering,east of Toronto. The provincial government in Manitoba is examining how the new rules willwork in Vancouver. Philip Rizcallah, who manages the federal body responsible for the nationalcode, says he would be open to considering the measure. So far no one has asked.


It seems only a matter of time before someone steps forward. Much publicity has been givento the ban, which plays to Vancouver's offbeat reputation. “What are they smoking outthere?” asks Gary Sharp of the CHBA. If further bans do go ahead, those living near the woodswould be wise to invest in some sturdy locks before installing doorhandles.





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