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最后更新時(shí)間:2011-09-07 05:24:37
輔導(dǎo)課程:暑期集訓(xùn) 在線咨詢
復(fù)習(xí)緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風(fēng)輕襲,來(lái)跨考秋季集訓(xùn)營(yíng),幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>




  1. Give a brief explanation for the following terms (8 points)

  (1) Useful life

  (2) The main elements of the financial statements

  (3) The purpose of adjusting entries

  (4) lower-of-cost-or-market

  2. Translate the following statements into Chinese (9’)

  (1) The terms realized and realizable to the conversion or ready convertibility of the enterprise’s product or service into cash or claims to cash. Realized means that the firm’s product or service has been converted to cash or claims to cash, while realizable has been defined as the ability to convert assets already received or held into known amounts of cash or claims to cash.

  (2) To understand financial statements and to be able to interpret the “figures” wisely, you must have a certain level of knowledge of the concepts and the measurement procedures used in the accounting process. You should learn what accounting “is really like” and appreciate the reasons for using certain procedures.

  3. Please read the following passage carefully and fill in each of the 12 blanks with a word most appropriate to the content.(6)

  The purpose of a statement of cash flows is to ( ) information ( ) cash ( ) and cash ( ) during the ( ). The statement describes the mature of the company’s cash flows, and classifies these cash flows as ( ) activities, ( ) activities, or ( ) activities. All of the cash flows then are combined to show the overall ( ) in the balance of the ( ) account during the ( ).

  4. Multiple choice questions (choose the best for your answer) (11)

  (1) Recent revenue collected one month in advance should be accounted for as:

  A. revenue in the month collected

  B. a current liability

  C. a separate item in shareholders’ equity

  D. an accrued liability

  E. none of the above

  (2) The credit balance of the Allowance for Doubtful Account represents:

  A. money set aside to take care of any bad debts

  B. the amount of bad debts incurred in the previous period

  C. the amount of bad debts incurred in the current period

  D. the amount of bad debts incurred in the current period and previous periods

  E. none of the above

  (3) In a decade of steadily falling prices, the inventory method which would produce the largest inventory cost on the balance sheet would be:

  A. FIFO method

  B. LIFO method

  C. Weighted-Average method

  D. Activity method

  (4) XY corporation had net assets of $500 000 and contributed capital of $150 000. The corporation has 25 000 shares of common stock issued and outstanding. Form these information, it can be deducted that the corporation has:

  A. a deficit of $350 000

  B. shareholders’ equity of $14 per share

  C. retained earnings of $500 000

  D. shareholders’ equity of $20 per share

  (5)The CPA firm auditing XY Recording Service founded that retained earnings was overstated and liabilities were understated. Which of the following errors could have been the cause?

  A. Making the adjustment entry for depreciation expenses twice;

  B. Failure to record interest accrued on a note payable;

  C. Failure to make the adjusting entry to record revenue which had been earned but not yet billed to clients.

  D. Failure to record the earned portion of fees received in advance.

  (6) In 2002 XY company purchased equipment for $170 000 and also some special purpose machinery with a book value of $64 000 for $78 000. In its statement of cash flows for 2002.XY should reports the following with respect to the above transactions:

  A.$170 000 net cash used by investing activities; $64 000 net cash provided by operating activities.

  B. $92 000 net cash used by investing activities;

  C. $92 000 net cash used by investing activities; $14 000 net cash provided by operating activities

  D.$170 000 net cash used by investing activities; $78 000 net cash used by financing activities;

  (7). A stock dividend

  A. Increase the debt-to-equity ratio of a firm

  B. Decrease future earnings per share

  C. Decrease the size of the firm

  D. Increase shareholders’ wealth

  E. None of the above

  (8) A Company had sales in both year 2001 and 2002 of $200 000. Cost of sales for year 2001 was $150 000.In computing the cost of sales for the year 2001,an item of inventory purchased in 2001 for $100 was incorrectly written down to current replacement cost of $65.The item is currently selling in the year 2002 for $180,its normal selling price, As a results of this error:

  A. Income for 2001 is overstated

  B. Cost of sales for 2002 will be overstated

  C. Income for 2002 will be overstated

  D. Income for 2002 will not be affected

  E. None of the above

  (9) The adjusting entries to record depreciation or amortization expense, or to write-down assets that have become impaired:

  A. Reduce both the net income and cash balances

  B. Reduce net income, but have not direct effect on cash balances

  C. Decrease cash balances, but have not direct effect upon net income;

  D. Affect neither net income nor cash balances

  (10) When treasury stock is reissued at a price above cost:

  A. The corporation recognizes a gain on the transaction

  B. Total paid-in-capital is increased

  C. The re-issuance is treated as an extraordinary item in the corporation’s income statement

  D. Retained earnings was increased

  (11) XY corporation’s net income dropped from $300 000 in year 1 to $60 000 in year 2. what percentage in net income must XY achieve in year 3 to offset the 80% decline in net income in year 2?

  A 800% B 80% C 400% D 60%

  5. Effects of transactions upon ratio analysis (10’)

  Determine the immediate effect of each the transactions described below on the ratio listed beside each transaction. In the blank space to the left of each statement, you are to indicate the effect by writing the appropriate code letter. The code letters are as follows:

  D=decrease the ratio, I=increase the ratio, NE=no effect on the ratio

  (1)______Current ratio is 3 to 1: Paid a large account payable.

  (2)______Return on common stockholders’ equity is 15%: Issued 10% bonds and invested the precedes to earn 12%

  (3)______Debt ratio: Declared a cash dividend, to be paid in three months

  (4)______Earnings per share: Declared and paid a 10% stock dividend in common stock to holders of common stock

  (5)______Quick ratio: Wrote off an un-collectible account receivable against the allowance account

  6. Translate the following Chinese statements into English (14’)



  7. Bonds payable (12’)

  On April 30,2002,XY company issued $6 000 000 face amount

  of 10%,10-year bonds payable, with interest payable each June 30,and December 31. the company received each of $608 400 including the accrued interest form December 31,2001. XY uses the straight-line-method of amortizing any discount and premium over the remaining life of the bonds 116 months.


  Use the above information determining the followings:

  (1) What was the amount of accrued interest received by XY on April 30,2002, when the bond were issued?$________________

  (2) What was the amount of discount or premium on the bonds at issuing date?(indicate discount or premium)$___________

  (3) What amount of cash is paid to bondholders for interest during year 2002?$________________

  (4) What is XY total interest expense for 2002 related to this bond issue?$______________

  (5) what is the carrying value of this bond issue as of December 31,2002?$______________________

  備注:本題中608 400系原試卷中所注,疑似少了一個(gè)零,據(jù)2003年情況,本題自加零后按溢價(jià)計(jì)算和不加按折價(jià)計(jì)算均屬正確!

  2003 中文部分

  一 名詞解釋

  1 客觀性原則

  2 歷史成本原則

  3 約當(dāng)產(chǎn)量

  4 財(cái)務(wù)杠桿

  二 填空題

  1. 總資產(chǎn)周轉(zhuǎn)率是指---_________________之間的比率,衡量特定企業(yè)_________________的能力。

  2.長(zhǎng)期股權(quán)投資收益的確認(rèn)方法有________ _________

  三 問(wèn)答題


  2 比較分批成本法和分步成本法的特點(diǎn)

  3 簡(jiǎn)述責(zé)任中心的分類,并指出各類責(zé)任中心的主要考核指標(biāo)。

  四 綜合題


  1 應(yīng)該從哪幾個(gè)方面對(duì)應(yīng)收賬款的質(zhì)量進(jìn)行分析?

  2 應(yīng)該從哪幾個(gè)方面對(duì)存貨質(zhì)量進(jìn)行分析?

  3 企業(yè)在考慮其產(chǎn)品賒銷政策(主要包括應(yīng)收賬款政策)時(shí)應(yīng)考慮哪些因素?

  4 應(yīng)該如何對(duì)企業(yè)的存貨進(jìn)行控制?




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班型 定向班型 開(kāi)班時(shí)間 高定班 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)班 課程介紹 咨詢
秋季集訓(xùn) 沖刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+專業(yè)課1對(duì)1+專業(yè)課定向輔導(dǎo)+協(xié)議加強(qiáng)課程(高定班)+專屬規(guī)劃答疑(高定班)+精細(xì)化答疑+復(fù)試資源(高定班)+復(fù)試課包(高定班)+復(fù)試指導(dǎo)(高定班)+復(fù)試班主任1v1服務(wù)(高定班)+復(fù)試面授密訓(xùn)(高定班)+復(fù)試1v1(高定班)
2023集訓(xùn)暢學(xué) 非定向(政英班/數(shù)政英班) 每月20日 22800起(協(xié)議班) 13800起 先行階在線課程+基礎(chǔ)階在線課程+強(qiáng)化階在線課程+真題階在線課程+沖刺階在線課程+專業(yè)課針對(duì)性一對(duì)一課程+班主任全程督學(xué)服務(wù)+全程規(guī)劃體系+全程測(cè)試體系+全程精細(xì)化答疑+擇校擇專業(yè)能力定位體系+全年關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié)指導(dǎo)體系+初試加強(qiáng)課+初試專屬服務(wù)+復(fù)試全科標(biāo)準(zhǔn)班服務(wù)


