銆€銆€Dear Sir錛?Jan.14.2006
銆€銆€I鈥榤 a teacher of Renmin university of China and I鈥檇 like to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote part of your province.So錛孖 would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding such a child who has met the following standards錛?/p>
銆€銆€First錛宧e must be very poor and truly in need of help.Second錛宧e must have the strong desire to improve things around him.Third錛宧e must be healthy錛宧appy and optimistic.Last but not the least is that he must be willing to return to his hometown to do sth.for it after graduation from university.
銆€銆€I would send him money every year from this year on until he finishes his higher education.Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.I鈥榤 looking forward to hearing from you soon.
銆€銆€Sincerely Yours Li Ming
銆€銆€There are two pictures錛歍he first is a photo of a man鈥榮 face on which the name of the famous footballer Beckham can be seen.In the second picture we can see a man in a barbershop錛宧is hair being done in Beckham鈥檚 hair style錛宑osting him 300 yuan.
銆€銆€Obviously錛宼he two persons are fans of Beckham.These pictures錛宎lthough a little exaggerating and satirical at first glance錛宑an make us ponder錛歸hy does this phenomenon appear錛烝s is known to all錛寃ith the development of modern communications錛宮ore and more people are influenced by some so-called鈥渟tars鈥濄€係o錛寃e have many fans who run affer and imitate them錛峟ilm stars錛宎thletic stars錛宔ven stars of super-girl singers.Firstly錛宼hey do so because they admire them and want to obtain their fame and reputation.Secondly錛宎lthough there is no denying the fact that some people do this out of pure adoration錛寉et錛宻ome just want to become wealthy overnight錛峸ithout hard work錛寃ithout sweat錛宩ust effortlessly.
銆€銆€Anyway錛宨n my opinion錛宱ur government must educate our people錛峞specially the youth錛峵hat some famous people get their reputation because they have made great contribution to our society錛峴uch as Liu Xiang.And we ourselves also must understand that their achievement is not easy job.We鈥榙 better turn our admiration into practical action to learn from them so that we can make even greater contribution to our motherland in the future.
銆€銆€鐩稿叧閾炬帴錛?006騫?a href="http://m.ivlnzgm.cn/pub/english/" target="_blank">鑰冪爺鑻辮璇曢?shù)綔鏂囬?/p>
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