鎮(zhèn)ㄧ幇鍦ㄧ殑浣嶇疆錛?/strong> 璺ㄨ€冪綉棰戦亾鑰冪爺鎶ュ悕姝f枃


鏈€鍚庢洿鏂版椂闂達(dá)細(xì)2008-02-22 23:16:54
杈呭璇劇▼錛?a target="_blank" rel="nofollow">鏆戞湡闆嗚 鍦ㄧ嚎鍜ㄨ
澶嶄範(fàn)绱у紶錛岀劍澶寸儌棰濓紵閫嗛杞昏錛屾潵璺ㄨ€冪瀛i泦璁惀錛屽府浣犲鏂規(guī)硶錛屽畾鏂規(guī)錛?/span> 浜嗚В涓€涓?>



銆€銆€棰樼洰閫夎嚜Newsweek Nov. 25錛?2002涓€綃囧悕涓篍lectronic Morphine錛堢數(shù)瀛愬悧鍟★級鐨勬枃绔狅紝鏂囩珷浣滆€呮槸涓€鍚嶄笓鏍忎綔瀹禛eorge F. Will.鏂囩珷鍐欎綔鐨勬柟寮忔槸鍏稿瀷鐨勮タ鏂規(guī)姤鍒婁綋鈥曗€曞厛涓句竴涓緥瀛愶紝鍐嶄粠渚嬪瓙涓鏄庝竴涓櫘閬嶇殑紺句細(xì)鐜拌薄錛屾渶鍚庡紩鍑鴻嚜宸辯殑璇勮銆傝繖縐嶆枃绔犵殑鐗圭偣鏄綔鑰呬婦鐨勪緥瀛愪竴鑸兘姣旇緝濂界湅鎳傦紝浣嗘槸鍦ㄥ悗闈㈤槓閲婁綔鑰呰鐐圭殑鏃跺€欏氨鏈変竴瀹氱殑闅懼害浜嗐€?/p>

銆€銆€41. C.瑕佹牴鎹椂闂撮『搴忓拰David Williams瀵硅祵鍗氳秺鏉ヨ秺鐫€榪鳳紝杈撳緱閽辮秺鏉ヨ秺澶氳繖涓搴︽潵鍒嗘瀽錛岀浜屾鏁翠釜璁蹭粬璧屽崥涓婄樉錛屼笉鑳借嚜鎷旂殑榪囩▼錛岃€屼笖瓚婅緭瓚婂銆?/p>

銆€銆€42. A.姝ゆ璁茶祵鍦虹煡閬撲粬涓婄樉鍚庡浠栭噰鍙栫殑琛ユ晳鎺柦錛屼絾鏄粬瑕佽搗璇夎祵鍦猴紝灝變婦鍑轟簡璧屽満騫舵病鏈夌‘瀹炲疄鏂芥帾鏂界殑渚嬪瓙錛氭瘮濡備緷鏃у悜浠栬繘琛屽晢涓氭帹騫胯€屼笖涔熸病鏈夐檺鍒朵粬榪涘叆銆傛棰樿緝闅?/p>

銆€銆€43. B.綆€鍗曪紝鍙鐪媗ure涓€璇嶇殑閲嶇幇鍏崇郴鍗沖彲

銆€銆€44. F.姝ら姣旇緝闅撅紝鍙兘浠庢絀烘牸鐨勫悗闈㈢殑閫昏緫鍏崇郴鏉ユ帹嫻嬨€傚悗闈㈣鍒拌繃鍘葷殑character flaws or moral failings鎴戜滑浠婂ぉ渚濇嵁縐戝閮借涓簆hysical disabilities錛岃繖涓剰鎬濆拰閫夐」涓殑medicalizing more and more behavioral problems鎰忔€濇槸涓€鑷寸殑銆?/p>

銆€銆€45. D.姝ら榪樻槸搴旇浠庡悗鏂囦腑鎵劇瓟妗堬紝鍗崇湅姝ょ┖鍜屽悗闈竴孌電殑鍏崇郴錛屽悗闈㈠湴涓€鍙ュ氨璇村埌緹庡浗44涓窞鏈夊僵紲紝29涓窞鏈夎祵鍦猴紝榪欒鏄庤祵鍗氬湪緹庡浗寰堟櫘鍙?qiáng)锛岃€孌絳旀涓渶鍚庝竴鍙ヨ鍦ㄧ編鍥芥渶閲嶈鍜岀Н鏋佺殑璧屽崥鎺ㄥ箍鑰呮槸鏀垮簻錛屾濂藉彲浠ュ拰鍚庢枃鐩告帴銆?/p>


銆€銆€Electronic Morphine

銆€銆€Gambling has been a common feature of American life forever錛?but for a long time it was broadly considered a sin. Now it is social policy.

銆€銆€By錛?George F. Will

銆€銆€On the North bank of the Ohio River sits Evansville錛?Indiana錛?home of David Williams錛?52錛?and of a riverboat casino. During several years of gambling in that casino錛?Williams錛?a state auditor earning $35錛?00 a year錛?lost approximately $175錛?00. He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling.

銆€銆€He visited the casino錛?lost the $20 and left. On his second visit錛?he lost $800. The casino issued to him錛?as a good customer錛?a Fun Card錛?which when use din the casino earns points for meals and drinks錛?and enables the casino to track the user s gambling activities. For Williams錛?those activities became what he calls electric morphine.

銆€銆€By the time he had lost $5錛?00 he said to himself that if he could get back to even錛?he would quit. One night he won $5錛?00錛?but he did not quit. In 1997 he lost $21錛?00 to one slot machine in two days. In March 1997 he lost $72錛?86. He sometimes played tow slot machines at a time錛?all night錛?until the boat docked at 5 a.m.錛?then went back aboard when the casino opened at 9 a.m. Now he is suing the casino錛?charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted. It did know he had a problem.

銆€銆€In March 1998 a friend of Williams got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions錛?and wrote to inform the casino of Williams gambling problem. The casino included a photo of Williams among those of banned gamblers錛?and wrote to him a cease admissions letter. Noting the medical/psychological nature of problem gambling behavior錛?the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his safety or well-being.

銆€銆€Although no such evidence was presented錛?the casino s marketing department continued to pepper him with mailings. And he entered the casino and used his Fun Card without being detected.

銆€銆€The Wall Street Journal reports that the casino has 24 signs warning錛?Enjoy the fun & and always bet with your head錛?not over it. Every entrance ticket lists a toll-free number for counseling from the Indiana Department of Mental Health. Nevertheless錛?Williams suit charges that the casino錛?knowing he was helplessly addicted to gambling錛?intentionally worked to lure him to engage in conduct against his will. Well.

銆€銆€It is unclear what luring was required錛?given his compulsive behavior. And in what sense was his will operative錛?/p>

銆€銆€The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 錛圖SM-IV錛?says pathological gambling involves persistent錛?recurring and uncontrollable pursuit less of money that of the euphoric state of taking risks in quest of a windfall. Pathological gamblers often exhibit distorted thinking 錛坉enial錛?superstition錛?overconfidence錛夈€?They lie to friends and family to conceal their behavior錛?resort to theft or fraud to finance it錛?and succumb to chasing ever more risky and high-stakes gambling in attempts to recoup losses.

銆€銆€It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems錛?often defining as addictions what earlier錛?sterner generations explained as weakness of will. Prodded by science錛?or what purports to be science錛?society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.

銆€銆€However錛?at least several million Americans do have a disposition錛?a mental disorder錛?a compulsive disease that seems to make them as unable to gamble responsibly as an alcoholic is unable to drink responsibly. This is a small portion of the nation鈥榮 population but a large pool of misery for themselves and loved ones.

銆€銆€Gambling has been a common feature of American life forever錛?but for a long time is was broadly considered a sin錛?or a social disease. Not it is social policy錛?the most important and aggressive promoter of gambling in America is government.

銆€銆€Forty-four states have lotteries錛?29 have casinos錛?and most of these states are to varying degrees dependent on you might say addicted to revenues from wagering. And since the first Internet gambling site was created in 1995錛?competition for gamblers dollars has become intense. The October 28 issue of NEWSWEEK reported that 2 million gamblers patronize 1錛?00 virtual casinos every week. With $3.5 billion being lost on Internet wagers this year錛?gambling has passed pornography as the Web s most lucrative business.

銆€銆€The anonymous錛?lonely錛?undistracted nature of online gambling is especially conducive to compulsive behavior. But even is government knew how to move against Internet gambling錛?what would be its rationale for doing so錛?Government curbs on private-sector gambling enterprises look like attempts to cripple the competition to prevent others from poaching on the population of gamblers that government has done so much to enlarge.

銆€銆€David Williams suit should trouble this gambling nation. But don鈥榯 bet on it.




2023澶囪€冨涔?/td> 2023綰夸笂綰夸笅闅忔椂瀛︿範(fàn) 34鎵€鑷垝綰塊櫌鏍¤€冪爺澶嶈瘯鍒嗘暟綰挎眹鎬?/td>
2022鑰冪爺澶嶈瘯鏈€鍏ㄤ俊鎭暣鐞?/a> 鍏ㄥ浗鍚勬嫑鐢熼櫌鏍¤€冪爺澶嶈瘯鍒嗘暟綰挎眹鎬?/a>
2023鍏ㄦ棩鍒跺皝闂緇?/span> 鍏ㄥ浗鍚勬嫑鐢熼櫌鏍¤€冪爺璋冨墏淇℃伅姹囨€?/a>
2023鑰冪爺鍏堢煡 鑰冪爺鑰冭瘯縐戠洰鏈夊摢浜涳紵 濡備綍姝g‘鐪嬪緟鑰冪爺鍒嗘暟綰匡紵
涓嶅悓闄㈡牎鐩稿悓涓撲笟濡備綍閫夋嫨鏇撮€傚悎鑷繁鐨?/a> 浠庡氨涓氳鑰冪爺濡備綍鎷╀笓涓氾紵
鎵嬫妸鎵嬫暀浣犲浣曢€変笓涓氾紵 楂樻牎鐮旂┒鐢熸暀鑲插悇瀛︾闂ㄧ被鎺掕姒?/a>


鐝瀷 瀹氬悜鐝瀷 寮€鐝椂闂?/td> 楂樺畾鐝?/td> 鏍囧噯鐝?/td> 璇劇▼浠嬬粛 鍜ㄨ
縐嬪闆嗚 鍐插埡鐝?/td> 9.10-12.20 168000 24800璧?/td> 灝忕彮闈㈡巿+涓撲笟璇?瀵?+涓撲笟璇懼畾鍚戣緟瀵?鍗忚鍔犲己璇劇▼(楂樺畾鐝?+涓撳睘瑙勫垝絳旂枒(楂樺畾鐝?+綺劇粏鍖栫瓟鐤?澶嶈瘯璧勬簮(楂樺畾鐝?+澶嶈瘯璇懼寘(楂樺畾鐝?+澶嶈瘯鎸囧(楂樺畾鐝?+澶嶈瘯鐝富浠?v1鏈嶅姟(楂樺畾鐝?+澶嶈瘯闈㈡巿瀵嗚(楂樺畾鐝?+澶嶈瘯1v1(楂樺畾鐝?
2023闆嗚鐣呭 闈炲畾鍚戯紙鏀胯嫳鐝?鏁版斂鑻辯彮錛?/td> 姣忔湀20鏃?/td> 22800璧?鍗忚鐝? 13800璧?/td> 鍏堣闃跺湪綰胯紼?鍩虹闃跺湪綰胯紼?寮哄寲闃跺湪綰胯紼?鐪熼闃跺湪綰胯紼?鍐插埡闃跺湪綰胯紼?涓撲笟璇鵑拡瀵規(guī)€т竴瀵逛竴璇劇▼+鐝富浠誨叏紼嬬潱瀛︽湇鍔?鍏ㄧ▼瑙勫垝浣撶郴+鍏ㄧ▼嫻嬭瘯浣撶郴+鍏ㄧ▼綺劇粏鍖栫瓟鐤?鎷╂牎鎷╀笓涓氳兘鍔涘畾浣嶄綋緋?鍏ㄥ勾鍏抽敭鐜妭鎸囧浣撶郴+鍒濊瘯鍔犲己璇?鍒濊瘯涓撳睘鏈嶅姟+澶嶈瘯鍏ㄧ鏍囧噯鐝湇鍔?/td>


