銆€銆€鑰冪爺鑻辮闃呰鐞嗚В鏄?a href="http://m.ivlnzgm.cn/" target="_blank">鑰冪爺鍒嗗€艱緝澶х殑棰樺瀷錛岄槄璇葷悊瑙h兘鍔涙槸闀挎湡縐瘡閰嶅悎閫傚綋鐨勫涔?fàn)鎶€宸у緱鏉ョ殑錛岃法鑰?a href="http://m.ivlnzgm.cn/" target="_blank">鑰冪爺緗?/a>灝忕紪涓哄ぇ瀹舵暣鐞嗘瘡澶╁弻璇槄璇昏祫鏂欙紝渚涘ぇ瀹跺弬鑰冿紒
銆€銆€PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you, General Caslen, for that introduction. General Trainor, General Clarke, faculty and staff at West Point, you have been outstanding stewards of this proud institution and outstanding mentors for the newest officers in the United States Army.
銆€銆€I鈥檇 like to acknowledge the Army鈥檚 leadership -- General McHugh -- Secretary McHugh, General Odierno, as well as Senator Jack Reed who is here and a proud graduate of West Point himself. To the class of 2014, I congratulate you on taking your place on the Long Gray Line.
銆€銆€Among you is the first all-female command team: Erin Mauldin and Austen Boroff. In Calla Glavin, you have a Rhodes Scholar, and Josh Herbeck proves that West Point accuracy extends beyond the three point line. (Laughter.)
銆€銆€To the entire class, let me reassure you in these final hours at West Point, as commander in chief, I hereby absolve all cadets who are on restriction for minor conduct offenses. (Laughter, applause.)
銆€銆€Let me just say that nobody ever did that for me when I was in school.
銆€銆€I know you join me in extending a word of thanks to your families. Joe DeMoss, whose son James is graduating, spoke for a whole lot of parents when he wrote me a letter about the sacrifices you鈥檝e made. 鈥淒eep inside,鈥?he wrote, 鈥渨e want to explode with pride at what they are committing to do in the service of our country.鈥?Like several graduates, James is a combat veteran, and I would ask all of us here today to stand and pay tribute not only to the veterans among us, but to the more than 2.5 million Americans who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as their families. (Applause.)
銆€銆€鎴戠煡閬擄紝浣犱滑鍜屾垜涓€鏍烽兘瑕佸悜鑷繁鐨勫浜鴻〃紺烘劅璋€備箶-鐙勬懇鏂槸鏈眾姣曚笟鐢熻┕濮嗘柉鐨勭埗浜詫紝浠栫粰鎴戞潵淇¤璇変綘浠墍浣滃嚭鐨勭壓鐗詫紝涔熼亾鍑轟簡璁稿鐖舵瘝鐨勫績澹般€備粬鍐欓亾錛? 鈥滃湪鎴戜滑鐨勫唴蹇冩繁澶勶紝鎴戜滑涓轟粬浠珛蹇楁姤鏁堝浗瀹惰€屾劅鍒版棤姣旇嚜璞€傗€濆拰澶氫綅姣曚笟鐢熶竴鏍鳳紝瑭瑰鏂篃鏄綅鎴樺満鑰佸叺銆傛垜璇蜂粖澶╁湪搴х殑鍚勪綅璧風(fēng)珛錛屽悜鎴戜滑褰撲腑鐨勮€佸叺錛屼篃鍚?50澶氫竾鏇懼湪浼婃媺鍏嬪拰闃垮瘜姹楁湇褰圭殑緹庡浗浜哄強(qiáng)鍏跺灞炶嚧鏁€?鎺屽0)
銆€銆€It is a particularly useful time for America to reflect on those who鈥檝e sacrificed so much for our freedom, a few days after Memorial Day. You are the first class to graduate since 9/11 who may not be sent into combat in Iraq or Afghanistan. (Cheers, applause.)
銆€銆€When I first spoke at West Point in 2009, we still had more than 100,000 troops in Iraq. We were preparing to surge in Afghanistan. Our counterterrorism efforts were focused on al-Qaida鈥檚 core leadership -- those who had carried out the 9/11 attacks. And our nation was just beginning a long climb out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
銆€銆€Four and a half years later, as you graduate, the landscape has changed. We have removed our troops from Iraq. We are winding down our war in Afghanistan. Al-Qaida鈥檚 leadership on the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been decimated, and Osama bin Laden is no more. (Cheers, applause.) And through it all, we鈥檝e refocused our investments in what has always been a key source of American strength: a growing economy that can provide opportunity for everybody who鈥檚 willing to work hard and take responsibility here at home.
銆€銆€In fact, by most measures America has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world. Those who argue otherwise -- who suggest that America is in decline or has seen its global leadership slip away -- are either misreading history or engaged in partisan politics.
銆€銆€Think about it. Our military has no peer. The odds of a direct threat against us by any nation are low, and do not come close to the dangers we faced during the Cold War. Meanwhile, our economy remains the most dynamic on Earth, our businesses the most innovative. Each year, we grow more energy independent. From Europe to Asia, we are the hub of alliances unrivaled in the history of nations.
銆€銆€America continues to attract striving immigrants. The values of our founding inspire leaders in parliaments and new movements in public squares around the globe. And when a typhoon hits the Philippines, or schoolgirls are kidnapped in Nigeria, or masked men occupy a building in Ukraine, it is America that the world looks to for help. (Applause.) So the United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century past, and it will be true for the century to come.
銆€銆€But the world is changing with accelerating speed. This presents opportunity, but also new dangers. We know all too well, after 9/11, just how technology and globalization has put power once reserved for states in the hands of individuals, raising the capacity of terrorists to do harm.
銆€銆€Russia鈥檚 aggression towards former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe while China鈥檚 economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors.
銆€銆€From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums. And even as developing nations embrace democracy and market economies, 24-hour news and social media makes it impossible to ignore the continuation of sectarian conflicts, failing states and popular uprisings that might have received only passing notice a generation ago.
銆€銆€It will be your generation鈥檚 task to respond to this new world. The question we face, the question each of you will face, is not whether America will lead but how we will lead, not just to secure our peace and prosperity but also extend peace and prosperity around the globe.
銆€銆€Now, this question isn鈥檛 new. At least since George Washington served as commander in chief, there have been those who warned against foreign entanglements that do not touch directly on our security or economic well-being.
銆€銆€Today, according to self-described realists, conflicts in Syria or Ukraine or the Central African Republic are not ours to solve. And not surprisingly, after costly wars and continuing challenges here at home, that view is shared by many Americans.
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