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Would you eat your food in virtual reality? Bizarre Samsung concept could be the future of restaurants


Samsung has an ambitious concept for the way we’ll eat out in the future - by strapping a virtual reality (VR) headset on and dining out beneath the waves.

三星大膽地幫我們設想了未來的就餐體驗:佩戴虛擬現(xiàn)實頭盔Gear VR,在水下就餐。

A blog post on the company’s website explains the process where restaurants can "create a complete experience around a meal, not just serve a plate of food."

三星在官網(wǎng)詳述了這個過程:餐廳利用Gear VR提供全方位的就餐體驗,為顧客提供的不僅僅是食物。

It says that by eating out in VR, customers will be able to enjoy their food in a variety of settings , from a hillside in Tuscony to underneath the ocean surrounded by fish.

消費者佩戴Gear VR可以體驗不同的就餐環(huán)境:可能置身于托斯卡納山間,也可能在海洋深處被魚群圍繞。

We’re not sure how you’re supposed to see what you’re eating if you’re looking at a virtual world but let’s not get bogged down by details.


According to Samsung, this idea has already been successfully trailed by Sublimotion - a company specialising in gastronomic experiences - at the Hard Rock Hotel in Ibiza.

三星稱,坐落在伊比沙島的Hard Rock酒店中的Sublimotion餐廳已成功實現(xiàn)了這個想法,該餐廳專門研究美食體驗。

It’s now looking for other restaurants to join the trend and start accessorising meals with Gear VR gadgets - a virtual reality headset that uses Samsung’s smartphones to work.

Sublimotion正在尋找其他餐廳加入用Gear VR提供虛擬現(xiàn)實就餐體驗的趨勢,這個虛擬現(xiàn)實頭盔是通過三星智能手機操控的。

"When launching a virtual reality experience at your restaurant, the first consideration is what type of overall experience is needed for diners, and how to integrate all five senses," explains the company.


"Once this is established, the restaurant plans out the meal. It is important that the food remains the focal point, and that the effects used only enhance the overall dining experience. Both the overall experience and the food should be drivers for all the other artistic and technological decisions for the event."


And, so as not to miss out the practical side of it: "Staffing the event is another essential consideration, as each Sublimotion event requires a team of 21 to host the event for a just 12 diners."


So, in conclusion, if you thought virtual reality was just for video game fans get ready to eat your hat.




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