
最后更新時(shí)間:2014-06-20 22:42:02
輔導(dǎo)課程:暑期集訓(xùn) 在線咨詢
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  More than 1,000 soldiers took part in the annual Trooping the Colour ceremony to mark the Queen's official birthday.

  Thousands of spectators also watched the annual meticulous display of army drill, music and horsemanship.

  The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh rode in a vintage carriage from Buckingham Palace, along The Mall to Horse Guards Parade where the event was staged.

  As part of the ceremony there was also be an RAF flypast watched by the Royal Family from the palace balcony.

  The Red Arrows were a highlight of the flypast as they flew over the palace emitting red, blue and white smoke.

  The military parade dates back to preparations for battle, when colours would be carried or "trooped" down the rank so they could be seen and recognised by the soldiers.

  The Duchess of Cambridge, Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry travelled together in another coach, and the Duke of York, Princess Eugenie, Earl and Countess of Wessex, Duke of Kent and Princess Alexandra were in the final carriage.

  The Prince of Wales and Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, took part in the parade on horseback.

  A Sovereign's Escort was provided for the procession by the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, who wore silver and gold breastplates and plumed helmets.

  The colour paraded on Horse Guards this year was the flag of Nijmegen Company, Grenadier Guards.

  It is the first time since 2005 that the Grenadiers have not been on operations in Afghanistan, about to deploy to the country or recently returned from Helmand Province.

  After the parade, the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery fired a 41-gun salute in Green Park to mark the Queen's official birthday.

  The Queen wore a powder blue dress designed by Angela Kelly. Her actual birthday was on 21 April, when she turned 88.



  在慶祝儀式上,女王的丈夫愛丁堡公爵陪伴女王乘坐在復(fù)古馬車上,從白金漢宮前往慶典的進(jìn)行場地——皇家騎兵衛(wèi)隊(duì)閱兵場。在奏響英國國歌 《天佑女王》 后,女王親自檢閱“軍旗敬禮分列式”(Trooping the Colour)。









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